Hi everybody! We are in the process of submitting formal proposals to the Parks & Recreation Department for the following locations: Robb Field, Nobel Park, Cleator Park, and Liberty Station NTC Park. At that point, the city government will have official proposals in hand from us and it will be up to them to accept, reject, or counter-offer.
We are hoping that between these four locations (and many others we have discussed with them), the city government will find a suitable location for this project to be green-lit. As we await an acceptance on any of our proposals, we are in touch with local commercial real estate developers, owners, and brokers in search of commercial real estate (parking lots, business parks, warehouses, dirt lots, etc.) where we could lease and then build upon.
It has been and will be a daunting process, and not always the most swift. But we have hope that something will work out in due time, and that we will be able to proceed onward to the next stage of the adventure: Construction! Stay tuned for the next update.